SDEX Components

Fee Checker

The "FeeChecker" component is a calculator to estimate the cost of a transactions fee by compute standards on Stellar.


  • Collects the amount and price of an asset.
  • Upon submission, calculates the estimated costs for the transaction.
  • Provides the estimation in stroops, xlm and usd.
  • Provides a way to estimate the cost of a transaction.

Additional Resources

The order price you set is independent of the fee you pay for submitting that order in a transaction. Fees are always paid in XLM, and you specify them as a separate parameter when submitting the order to the network.

Review the documentation on thresholds below, you can permanently lock yourself out of the account


Install the PakanaRazorSDEX NuGet package via the NuGet Package Manager Console.

.Net8.0 or greater is required.

dotnet add package PakanaRazorSDEX --version 0.0.4

Stellar Horizon Dependency will install automatically

NuGet Package Implementation
@page "/FeeChecker"
@rendermode InteractiveAuto
@using Microsoft.JSInterop
<div class="container">
    <h2>Stellar Transaction Fee Calculator</h2>
    <div class="input-group">
        <label for="offerPrice">Offer Price (XLM):</label>
        <input type="number" id="offerPrice" placeholder="Enter offer price in XLM" />
    <div class="input-group">
        <label for="offerAmount">Offer Amount (XLM):</label>
        <input type="number" id="offerAmount" placeholder="Enter offer amount in XLM" />
    <button id="calculateFeeBtn">Calculate Fee</button>
    <h3>Total Estimated Fee (Stroops): <span id="feeResult">-</span></h3>
    <h3>Total Estimated Fee (XLM): <span id="feeXLMResult">-</span></h3>
    <h3>Total Fee in USD: <span id="feeUSDResult">-</span></h3>
@code {
    [Inject] IJSRuntime JS { get; set; }
    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            // Call the initializeChart function in the external JavaScript file
            await JS.InvokeVoidAsync("calculateFeeBtn");
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./_content/PakanaRazorSDEX/js/feeChecker.js"></script>
<script src="./_content/PakanaRazorSDEX/js/global.js"></script>


We've provided simple HTML and JavaScript that can be used in your project as partial-components or be customized and integrated into your existing codebase.

Stellar CDN
*Current Version as of 2024-24-12*
<script src=""></script>
        let baseFee = 100;  // Default base fee in stroops (100 stroops = 0.0001 XLM)
        let xlmPriceUSD = 0; // To store the current price of XLM in USD
        // Fetch the current network fee stats from the testnet
        async function fetchNetworkFee() {
            try {
                const response = await server.feeStats();
                console.log('Fee stats response:', response);  // Log the response to check the structure
                // Update the base fee if available
                if (response && response.last_ledger_base_fee) {
                    baseFee = parseInt(response.last_ledger_base_fee);  // Update with the latest base fee
                } else {
                    console.error('Base fee not available in response.');
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error fetching network fee:', error);
        // Function to calculate the total fee for a manageBuyOffer or manageSellOffer operation
        function calculateTransactionFee(offerPrice, offerAmount) {
            const instructionsCostPer10K = 25;  // 10,000 instructions = 25 stroops
            const readLedgerCost = 6250;  // 1 ledger entry read = 6250 stroops
            const writeLedgerCost = 10000;  // 1 ledger entry written = 10000 stroops
            const bandwidthCostPerKB = 1624;  // 1 KB transaction size = 1624 stroops
            // Dynamic calculations based on the offer price and amount
            const offerPriceMultiplier = offerPrice > 0 ? offerPrice : 1;  // Prevent division by zero or negative values
            const offerAmountMultiplier = offerAmount > 0 ? offerAmount : 1;  // Prevent division by zero or negative values
            // Calculate fees based on transaction components
            const instructionsCost = Math.ceil(10000 / 10000) * instructionsCostPer10K;
            const readCost = 2 * readLedgerCost;  // 2 reads (estimate)
            const writeCost = writeLedgerCost;  // 1 write (estimate)
            const transactionSizeKB = 129;  // Example size of the transaction
            const bandwidthCost = transactionSizeKB * bandwidthCostPerKB;
            // Calculate dynamic fee based on input values
            const dynamicFee = baseFee * offerPriceMultiplier * offerAmountMultiplier;
            // Total fee in stroops
            const totalFeeInStroops = instructionsCost + readCost + writeCost + bandwidthCost + dynamicFee;
            // Convert stroops to XLM for rent cost calculation
            const stroopsToXLM = 1 / 1e7;
            // Convert stroops to XLM for total fee
            const totalFeeInXLM = totalFeeInStroops / 1e7;
            return {
                feeInStroops: totalFeeInStroops,
                feeInXLM: totalFeeInXLM
        // Function to fetch the current price of XLM in USD from CoinCap API
        async function fetchXLMPrice() {
            try {
                const response = await fetch('');
                const data = await response.json();
                if (data && && {
                    xlmPriceUSD = parseFloat(;
                } else {
                    console.error('Error fetching XLM price from API');
            } catch (error) {
                console.error('Error fetching XLM price:', error);
        // Handle the button click to calculate the fee
        document.getElementById('calculateFeeBtn').addEventListener('click', () => {
            const offerPrice = parseFloat(document.getElementById('offerPrice').value);
            const offerAmount = parseFloat(document.getElementById('offerAmount').value);
            if (isNaN(offerPrice) || isNaN(offerAmount)) {
                alert('Please enter valid offer price and amount values.');
            const { feeInStroops, feeInXLM } = calculateTransactionFee(offerPrice, offerAmount);
            document.getElementById('feeResult').textContent = feeInStroops.toFixed(0);  // Display fee in stroops
            document.getElementById('feeXLMResult').textContent = feeInXLM.toFixed(8);  // Display fee in XLM
            // Convert the XLM fee to USD and display it
            const feeInUSD = feeInXLM * xlmPriceUSD;
            document.getElementById('feeUSDResult').textContent = feeInUSD.toFixed(8);  // Display fee in USD
        // Initialize the page by fetching the network fee and XLM price
     <div class="container">
        <h2>Stellar Transaction Fee Calculator</h2>
        <div class="input-group">
            <label for="offerPrice">Offer Price (XLM):</label>
            <input type="number" id="offerPrice" placeholder="Enter offer price in XLM" />
        <div class="input-group">
            <label for="offerAmount">Offer Amount (XLM):</label>
            <input type="number" id="offerAmount" placeholder="Enter offer amount in XLM" />
        <button id="calculateFeeBtn">Calculate Fee</button>
        <h3>Total Estimated Fee (Stroops): <span id="feeResult">-</span></h3>
        <h3>Total Estimated Fee (XLM): <span id="feeXLMResult">-</span></h3>
        <h3>Total Fee in USD: <span id="feeUSDResult">-</span></h3>