Market Information
The "MarketInfo" component highlights a comparison of On-Chain SDEX information to Overall Centralized Exchange information for XLM.
- Automatically updates and interval refreshes.
- Provides DEX highs, lows and volume.
- Provides Centralized Exchange supply, market cap, current price, price change, highs, lows and volume.
- Provides a way to compare centralized traffic to SDEX completion.
Additional Resources
Instead of relying on the buy and sell orders of decentralized exchanges, AMMs keep assets in an ecosystem liquid 24/7 using liquidity pools.
Review the documentation below to learn more about AMMs on Stellar
Install the PakanaRazorSDEX NuGet package via the NuGet Package Manager Console.
.Net8.0 or greater is required.
dotnet add package PakanaRazorSDEX --version 0.0.4
Stellar Horizon Dependency will install automatically
NuGet Package Implementation
@page "/MarketInfo"
@rendermode InteractiveAuto
@using Microsoft.JSInterop
<div class="market-information">
<!-- Market Stats Section -->
<div class="market-stats">
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain High</div>
<div id="highPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain Low</div>
<div id="lowPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain Vol (24hr)</div>
<div id="onChainVolume" class="stat-value">-</div>
<!-- Exchange Stats Section -->
<div class="exchange-stats">
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Exchange Market Cap (USD)</div>
<div id="exchangeMarketCap" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">XLM Exchange Volume (24Hr)</div>
<div id="exchangeVolumeXLM" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Exchange Supply (XLM)</div>
<div id="exchangeSupply" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Current Price (XLM/USD)</div>
<div id="currentPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Change (24Hr)</div>
<div id="priceChange" class="stat-value">-</div>
@code {
// Properties for displaying market information
public string HighPrice { get; set; } = "-";
public string LowPrice { get; set; } = "-";
public string OnChainVolume { get; set; } = "-";
public string ExchangeMarketCap { get; set; } = "-";
public string ExchangeVolumeXLM { get; set; } = "-";
public string ExchangeSupply { get; set; } = "-";
public string CurrentPrice { get; set; } = "-";
public string PriceChange { get; set; } = "-";
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
// Any server-side initialization logic can go here if needed.
await FetchInitialData();
private async Task FetchInitialData()
// Placeholder for fetching initial data, if required.
// For example, calling APIs to pre-populate some fields.
await Task.CompletedTask;
// Methods to update UI (invoked from JavaScript if required)
public void UpdateHighPrice(string value) => HighPrice = value;
public void UpdateLowPrice(string value) => LowPrice = value;
public void UpdateOnChainVolume(string value) => OnChainVolume = value;
public void UpdateExchangeMarketCap(string value) => ExchangeMarketCap = value;
public void UpdateExchangeVolumeXLM(string value) => ExchangeVolumeXLM = value;
public void UpdateExchangeSupply(string value) => ExchangeSupply = value;
public void UpdateCurrentPrice(string value) => CurrentPrice = value;
public void UpdatePriceChange(string value) => PriceChange = value;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./_content/PakanaRazorSDEX/js/marketInfo.js"></script>
<script src="./_content/PakanaRazorSDEX/js/global.js"></script>
We've provided simple HTML and JavaScript that can be used in your project as partial-components or be customized and integrated into your existing codebase.
Stellar CDN
*Current Version as of 2024-24-02*
<script src=""></script>
async function fetchExchangeData() {
try {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
const {
} =;
// Format Market Cap
const formattedMarketCap = formatMarketCap(marketCapUsd);
document.getElementById('exchangeMarketCap').textContent = formattedMarketCap;
// Format Exchange Volume (24Hr XLM)
const formattedVolumeXLM = volumeUsd24Hr ? formatNumberWithUnits(volumeUsd24Hr) : '-';
document.getElementById('exchangeVolumeXLM').textContent = `${formattedVolumeXLM} USD`;
// Format Supply
const formattedSupply = supply ? formatNumberWithUnits(supply) : '-';
document.getElementById('exchangeSupply').textContent = formattedSupply;
// Format Current Price (1 XLM in USD)
const formattedPrice = priceUsd ? `$${parseFloat(priceUsd).toFixed(6)}` : '-';
document.getElementById('currentPrice').textContent = formattedPrice;
// Format Change (24Hr)
const formattedChange = changePercent24Hr ? formatChange(changePercent24Hr) : '-';
document.getElementById('priceChange').innerHTML = formattedChange;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching exchange data:', error);
function formatMarketCap(marketCap) {
const number = parseFloat(marketCap);
if (isNaN(number)) return '-';
if (number >= 1e12) return (number / 1e12).toFixed(2) + ' T';
if (number >= 1e9) return (number / 1e9).toFixed(2) + ' B';
if (number >= 1e6) return (number / 1e6).toFixed(2) + ' M';
return number.toLocaleString();
function formatNumberWithUnits(number) {
const num = parseFloat(number);
if (isNaN(num)) return '-';
if (num >= 1e12) return (num / 1e12).toFixed(2) + ' T';
if (num >= 1e9) return (num / 1e9).toFixed(2) + ' B';
if (num >= 1e6) return (num / 1e6).toFixed(2) + ' M';
return num.toFixed(2);
function formatChange(changePercent) {
const change = parseFloat(changePercent);
const sign = change >= 0 ? '?' : '?';
const colorClass = change >= 0 ? 'change-up' : 'change-down';
const formattedChange = `${sign} ${Math.abs(change).toFixed(2)}%`;
return `<span class="${colorClass}">${formattedChange}</span>`;
async function fetchOnChainData() {
try {
const orderBook = await server.orderbook(usdcAsset, xlmAsset).call();
// Debugging: Log the raw order book data to check for any issues
console.log('Raw Order Book:', orderBook);
// Process Bids and Asks
const bids = processOrders(orderBook.bids, true);
const asks = processOrders(orderBook.asks, false);
// Debugging: Log processed bids and asks
console.log('Processed Bids:', bids);
console.log('Processed Asks:', asks);
// Calculate On-Chain Volume (Total XLM volume from all bids and asks)
const onChainVolume = calculateOnChainVolume(orderBook);
console.log('Calculated On-Chain Volume:', onChainVolume); // Debugging volume
document.getElementById('onChainVolume').textContent = `${onChainVolume} XLM`;
// Check if we have valid bids and filter out invalid values
const validBids = bids.filter(bid => !isNaN(bid.price) && bid.price > 0);
console.log('Valid Bids:', validBids); // Debugging valid bids
// If there are no valid bids, we can't calculate the high
if (validBids.length === 0) {
console.error('No valid bids found!');
document.getElementById('highPrice').textContent = '-';
// Get the highest bid from the valid bids
const high = Math.max( => bid.price));
console.log('Calculated Highest Bid:', high); // Debugging log for the highest bid
// Check for asks, and calculate the reciprocal for the lowest ask
const low = asks.length > 0 ? Math.min( => ask.price)) : '-';
console.log('Calculated Lowest Ask:', low); // Debugging log for the lowest ask
// Apply reciprocal to the low price (for sell orders)
const reciprocalLow = low !== '-' ? (1 / low).toFixed(6) : '-'; // Reciprocal for low
const formattedHigh = high !== '-' ? (1 / high).toFixed(6) : '-'; // Format the highest bid
// Update the display for On-Chain High and Low
document.getElementById('highPrice').textContent = `$${formattedHigh}`; // Display highest bid
document.getElementById('lowPrice').textContent = `$${reciprocalLow}`; // Display reciprocal of lowest ask
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching on-chain data:', error);
function processOrders(orders, isBid) {
// Process and return orders as valid price/amount objects
return => ({
price: isBid ? parseFloat(order.price) : parseFloat(order.price),
cumulativeVolume: parseFloat(order.amount)
function calculateOnChainVolume(orderBook) {
// Calculate the total XLM volume from bids and asks
const totalBidsVolume = orderBook.bids.reduce((total, bid) => total + parseFloat(bid.amount), 0);
const totalAsksVolume = orderBook.asks.reduce((total, ask) => total + parseFloat(ask.amount), 0);
const totalVolume = totalBidsVolume + totalAsksVolume;
return totalVolume.toFixed(2); // Round total volume to 2 decimal places
function init() {
setInterval(fetchOnChainData, 1500); // Update every 0.5 seconds
setInterval(fetchExchangeData, 500); // Update every 5 seconds for exchange data
<div class="market-information">
<!-- Market Stats Section -->
<div class="market-stats">
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain High</div>
<div id="highPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain Low</div>
<div id="lowPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">On-Chain Vol (24hr)</div>
<div id="onChainVolume" class="stat-value">-</div>
<!-- Exchange Stats Section -->
<div class="exchange-stats">
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Exchange Market Cap (USD)</div>
<div id="exchangeMarketCap" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">XLM Exchange Volume (24Hr)</div>
<div id="exchangeVolumeXLM" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Exchange Supply (XLM)</div>
<div id="exchangeSupply" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Current Price (XLM/USD)</div>
<div id="currentPrice" class="stat-value">-</div>
<div class="stat-item">
<div class="stat-label">Change (24Hr)</div>
<div id="priceChange" class="stat-value">-</div>